Introduction to

Year One: Ancients

World and Biblical History from Creation to the Fall of Rome

Year One covers:
  • Biblical history from Creation through the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  • Ancient civilizations of the Fertile Crescent and Mediterranean Sea regions, including Mesopotamia, Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome and more.
  • Other ancient civilizations in China, India, Africa and the Americas.

Each chapter of the Year One Companion is divided into three sections: (1) Bible Focus, (2) Ancient History Focus and (3) Geography Focus.

(1) The Bible Focus sections are in-depth Bible lessons that encourage students to honor the Lord and believe His Word. If you buy BiblioPlan for no other reason, buy it for the Bible lessons! Treat your students to high-quality Bible training from a conservative-seminary-educated school teacher who loves the Lord and loves the Bible!

Wherever possible, the Biblical history in the Companion corresponds with history from secular sources. For example, when the Companion covers ancient Egypt, it also covers Biblical history from Joseph to Moses.

Topics covered in our Bible Focus sections include:

Creation The Tower of Babel
Noah and the Flood The story of Abraham
The near-sacrifice of Isaac The story of Jacob
The story of Joseph Moses, the Plagues and the Exodus
The Judges and Ruth Kings Saul and David
The prophets Elijah and Elisha Israel's Fall to Assyria
The Scattering of Israel's Ten Lost Tribes Judah's Fall to Babylon
The Return of Judah's Exiles The story of Esther
The Maccabean Revolution The birth of Jesus Christ
The Life of Jesus Christ Christ's Death and Resurrection, Hallelujah!
Stories of Christ's Apostles Stories of the Early Church

(2) The Ancient History Focus sections cover ancient civilizations and empires from Mesopotamia to Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Greece, Rome and more. These sections are filled with Fascinating Facts about:

Ancient creation mythsAncient ziggurats, pyramids and temples
The Epic of GilgameshThe Code of Hammurabi
Egyptian mythology, mummies and pharaohsGreek mythology
The Spartans and the AtheniansAlexander the Great
Rome's Seven Legendary KingsThe Roman Republic
Hannibal, Scipio and the Punic WarsSpartacus and the Servile Wars
Julius CaesarThe Roman Empire
Rome's Persecutions of Early ChristiansThe Fall of Rome

(3) The Geography Focus sections cover basic World Geography-- facts about the globe, the continents, the oceans, the seas, landforms and more. They also include engaging details about the geography of the Ancient Near East and other regions.

BiblioPlan scopes its study of geography as follows: Years One and Two together constitute a full year of World Geography; while Years Three and Four together constitute a full year of U.S. Geography.

Notes on Scope and Sequence:

BiblioPlan's scope and sequence for Year One presents Biblical history in chronological order. From Genesis through Malachi, and then on through the gospels and the Book of Acts, Year One follows the order of events from the Biblical record as closely as possible.

Our scope for other civilizations and cultures is a blend of chronological and topical. Whenever possible, Year One presents events in chronological order. However, we have found that constantly jumping back and forth between the civilizations of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Assyria, Babylonia, Persia, Greece and Rome can be confusing. Instead, Year One assembles each of these cultures into a unit, and then makes every effort to explain when and how these civilizations interacted.

Above all, Year One is careful to explain how each of these civilizations interacted with important figures from Biblical history. For example, Year One students first encounter the ancient Egyptians in Chapter 4, when Abraham interacts with them. Students learn more about Egypt in Chapter 7, when Joseph arrives there. The story of Egypt builds in Chapters 8 and 9, culminating with Moses and the Exodus in Chapter 10.

Year One is divided into five units as follows:

  1. Unit One, Creation to Joseph: 7 Weeks
  2. Unit Two, Egypt and the Nation of Israel: 7 Weeks
  3. Unit Three, Israel Divided-- Assyria and Babylonia: 6 Weeks
  4. Unit Four, Persia and Ancient Greece: 5 Weeks
  5. Unit Five, Rome, Jesus and the Early Church: 9 Weeks

A sampling of the age-appropriate literature selections outlined in the Family Guide for Year One:

Adam and Eve in the Garden (Pulley)
10 Steps to Z-Z-Zing: Exodus 20:1-17 for Children(Curren and Heuer)
One Grain of Rice: A Mathematical Folktale (Demi)
The Aesop for Children
Sarah and Abraham: The Wonderful Promise (MacKensie)
Joshua: The Brave Leader (Mackenzie)
Aladdin and Other Tales from the Arabian Nights (Harvey, and Dawood)
China’s Bravest Girl: Legend of Hua Mu Lan (Chin)
Adam and His Kin (Chick)
Tirzah (Travis)
The Children’s Homer (Colum)
The Spartan (Snedeker )
The Epic of Gilgamesh
The Odyssey (Homer)
Family Read-Alouds
The Cat of Bubastes: A Tale of Ancient Egypt (Henty)
Black Ships Before Troy (Sutcliff)
The Bronze Bow (Speare)


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